8th October 19

Last week I was pleased to be able to announce that following my hard work lobbying the Secretary of State for Health our hospitals the Royal Lancaster Infirmary and the Furness General Hospital were awarded funding to transform the two hospitals. The Government is giving the go ahead to the £500m project to rebuild both the RLI and the FGH through seed funding to progress the business case .

I was delighted to receive a call from Health Secretary Matt Hancock to let me know that my constant lobbying for funding to improve the estate at the Royal Lancaster Infirmary has paid off, and I was able to break the news of my successful campaign to Trust CEO Aaron Cummins.

Aaron Cummins, Chief Executive, UHMBT, said: “I am delighted to have received the news that the University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust is receiving much needed investment. I’m particularly pleased for patients and our hard working colleagues who do their very best, day-in day-out, often in stressful, complex and emotional circumstances. I am also very pleased that this investment will assist local communities receive care in an environment fit for modern day healthcare.

“Healthcare, in my opinion, is not just about bricks and mortar but about people: Those who work in healthcare and those who are cared for. This investment will further assist the Trust cement its ambition to be a great place to work and a great place to be cared for. 

“We need hospital buildings that work for us and not the other way around – our local populations deserve the very best and this will certainly help us take a giant step towards this on a more consistent basis.

“I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Department of Health.

“I would also like to pass on our congratulations to our neighbours at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals, who will also be receiving investment, which is great for them and for local people.”

This announcement shows that persistence with Ministers always works, and making a positive case for investment in my local services is always successful. This announcement gives the green light to start what will end up as half a billion pound project of improvements. Our hospital buildings have been crying out for investment to build on the fantastic work of both the staff and the management team getting out Trust out of special measures. We will soon have the hospital facilities that this area deserves, and I am so grateful to Matt Hancock for backing me and my area and allocating me this funding.

Slyne with Hest Parish Council have announced a consultation for residents on their neighbourhood plan. A neighbourhood plan designates where development is able to take place in a neighbourhood and is in consultation phase until the 14th October. If you live in Slyne with Hest please ensure you take a look at the plan here: http://www.slyne-with-hest.org.uk/plan/fullplan.pdf and submit your comments either online at http://www.slyne-with-hest.org.uk/plan/mailform.php or by email to [email protected] .

As the Brexit debate continues this week, I was pleased the read the Prime Minister’s proposals to the European Union to ensure we leave with a deal. I look forward to the EU’s response and hope they will engage positively with the UK. I will continue to use my vote in Parliament to ensure we leave the European Union as soon as possible.

If you are a constituent and would like my help with an issue please do not hesitate to contact me. You can do so either by email [email protected] or by phone 01524 841225. Please make sure you include your full postal address