Thank you for contacting me regarding Universal Credit.
You may not already be aware but in our area we have had the full roll out of Universal Credit since May 2016, as we were a pilot area.
As a pilot area our job centre staff have been working hard with the DWP to highlight any issues with the system so that changes can be made. To facilitate this I also have regular meetings with the Job Centre and if there are any areas where the administration of the policy is not working for their clients then I have been reporting this back to Government and securing changes.
As this has been in place for 18 months now in our area Universal Credit is now for the majority of claimants a hugely successful and a positive way for claimants to engage with the DWP. If there are any cases which are more complicated or there have been any issues I have encouraged them to contact me so I can see where I can assist with their case more on a personal basis.